Innovative solutions for
precision agriculture

Plans of
PREVENTIVE service and maintenance

should be regarded as a long-term investment, capable of guaranteeing
over time the maximum efficiency of Bauer precision irrigation systems.

Perché aderire ai Piani di Assistenza e Manutenzione Preventiva?

AGROSTAR service and maintenance packages are a natural extension of the Bauer product. Coverage, which will follow your facilities to avoid tedious and costly downtime resulting from breakage and failure, of all those particular devices that may be most prone to breakage.

Adhering to one of our Plans, for the client, results in considerable financial and time savings.

LIGHT Contract

A one-year subscription includes:

  • - Span and carriage gear motors (for linear systems)
  • - Booster pump
  • - Electrical parts such as relays and proximity switches
  • - We have also arranged a free rental service for temporary pump restoration after breakage.

PLUS Contract

A one-year subscription includes:

  • - All options offered in the LIGHT Plan
  • - Electrical part of ICON LINK and COMMANDER VP switchboards (exclusions for atmospheric phenomena or caused damage)*
  • - Drive Unit Gearboxes*
  • - Sprinkler nozzles*
  • - 1-year subscription to Bauer for ICON LINK and COMMANDER VP (to machines without such a subscription)*


Included in the package is field service and maintenance within 48 hours, this will avoid long waits for equipment restoration and restart. Reduced plant stops imply better work efficiency with less crop growth stress.

We will be by your side with maintenance activities, ensuring professional advice and a substantial reduction in unforeseen events.


These service and maintenance packages are designed to provide customers with effective and non-dispersive service. This cover is a real added value for your business such that it prevents vegetative arrests during crop growth resulting from breaks or failures of the irrigation system.


The proposed service and maintenance program tends to extend the life of equipment and ensure its consistent performance and efficiency over time. For optimal reliability!


The memberships and agreements signed with our most prudent customers are multiplying, and therefore by the end of the next irrigation season, it will be possible to guarantee service and maintenance still to only a very few plants.
These will be given priority for intervention in case of failure or malfunction
Of the irrigation system.

Send a message by filling in the fields below.

You will be contacted as soon as possible to Underwrite the plan best suited to your needs.

Plant Type
Plant Options
Type of Contract Required
Plant Type
Plant Options
Type of Contract Required